Connect all actuators to cabling using female bullet connectors and then connect power to controller. Make sure the duct does not interfere with the movement of the pin of the actuators, however loom tube could be used instead of the plastic duct. We found it easiest to run cables in loom tube to inside the canopy and then run a piece of 25 x 16 plastic electrical duct under the window frame from front to rear on each side of the canopy holding it in place with double sided tape and some dobs of silicone. Referring to the wiring diagram, run a 15amp cable to the controller from a positive power source and connect the black wire to a negative, then run 2 wires (3mm 10amp) from the controller white & white/black to the first actuator and then loop wires to all other actuators. Mount controller anywhere in cabin (this is important for ease of accessibility in the event of unforeseen failure).Repeat step 1 & 2 for all 6 window handles.The bracket can also be bent up or down to ensure the actuator pin engages with the pin when locked and clears the bracket when unlocked. This can be done by using a file to make the hole larger. Note: The hole in the bracket may have to be enlarged to ensure that the pin moves freely with the window handle in the open or closed position.Secure actuator to window frame using the 2 of the 8g x 12 screws. Now push the pin of the actuator fully down to make sure that the top of the pin clears the bracket so the window can be opened. Where the bracket is now installed place an actuator on the inside of the window frame under the bracket with the actuator pin extended upwards and line up the pin to the center of the hole in the bracket and the shoulder on the pin to the underside of the bracket.Using the pop rivets supplied install the bracket onto the top of the window frame with the bent edge facing up. Drill two holes through the bracket and into the window frame with a 3.5mm pop rivet drill.

Select location for bracket (close to handle but leave enough room so as not to interfere with movement of handle, and making allowance for the protection bracket to be installed). Installation:(Note if you are unsure of these steps please refer to the picture gallery at - most steps are shown)