*points to the ever-growing number of engineers, "hard" scientists, physicists and researchers*Īnyway, back to this cool design: awesome! It flies wonderfully, too- just seems to move along through the air like it was pulled on a string. If our culture would cease doing silly things like teaching girls that science, math and machines are "scary", "for the boys" and "don't worry your pretty head about it, I'll handle it (from some 'helpful" male)", there might be less of this goofy idea that girls are only interested in "ruffles and lace"! It's all conditioning, and I think enough women have proven that interest-popularity with one gender over another is culturally-imposed bunkem. Ruffles and lace- can we be any more stereotypical? Boys can be creative- it doesn't have to involve machines, forts (I built those, too), carpentry (fixed any number of wood pieces) or cars (I did body-work on an Oldsmobile Cutlass as a summer project), nor does an interest in clothing and jewellery design or sewing make a boy "girly". There ARE a lot of sites for crafting, sewing- but I thought they were for EVERYONE, not just ladies. Your "explanation" for why this site exists, with it's unintentional sexism, bugs me. 🙂 I used to make all kinds of paper planes when I was a kid… and I am a GIRL Your title, "Straw-plane: so much cooler than a paper air-plane" made me grin. Ring-wing is one name I've seen for them (I found the design for them in a book on making your own cool toys in my early teens: I'm 43 now). Please pardon the interjection from a stranger. Or how about making up this round plane (no straws needed)? Try these fun variations on the straw plane to see how it affects flight! Even Dad was impressed and you know how hard it can be to impress Dad’s! (Well ok he said “Oh yeah that does fly pretty good” but I’ll take that as being impressed). The boys had to try and fly a straw without the circles to make sure that it wasn’t just the straw that was the good flier. Now is the fun part! Fly it just like you would a paper airplane but be amazed by how much better it flies! Tape the straw to the inside of the circles placing the small circle at one end and the large circle at the other end. Now you have a large circle and a small circle. Use the remaining piece to form a small circle and tape the ends together. We put tape on both sides to secure the circle. Tape two of the pieces together “long ways” and then tape to form a circle. You will need to cut 3 pieces of paper about 1″ wide and 5″ long. You’ll need some heavier paper (we used 3×5 index cards), a straw, scissors or something to cut the paper with (we love using a paper trimmer for paper projects), and tape.

Consider re-using takeout straws (that have been sanitized)! Whatever you want to call it, it’s pretty cool! *Note: paper straws work fantastic as well, we made this originally in 2011 and had a stash of plastic straws still at home. Move over paper airplanes, because the straw plane is in town! I don’t know what you call this thing but we refer to it as a straw plane. Please see policies for more information.

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